George Washington’s Final Battle
The Epic Struggle to Build a Capital City and Nation
Watson masterfully weaves together how Washington’s many life experiences shaped his ideas on self-government, nationhood, and the power of perception. Truly, Washington’s trials and tribulations prepared him for one of his most overlooked accomplishments—the building of the nation’s capital.
Matthew Costello, Assistant Director of the David M. Rubenstein National Center for White House History at the White House Historical Association
The Story of the Confederacy’s Infamous Libby Prison and the Civil War’s Largest Jail Break
Robert Watson has done it again! His insightful and historically rich narrative brings to life the ingenuity of the prisoners in the “Confederate Bastille” who undertook one of the most remarkable and daring escapes this country has ever witnessed, the largest in US history and one that, sadly, has been long forgotten.
Richard Yon, Director of the Terrorism Studies Program, US Military Academy at West Point
Robert Watson, Ph.D.
is an award-winning author, professor, historian, and analyst for numerous media outlets. He has published over 40 books on history and politics and hundreds of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and reference essays.